Amazing Animation introduces Charles Fazzino’s limited-edition "dental cityscape" titled "Tickle MyTeeth." The hand-signed edition is a 4- x 6-inch image on a 6- x 8.5-inch paper. When framed, it is 16 x 18 inches.
In "Tickle My Teeth" Fazzino has combined two of his most popular elements, the dental theme and the cityscapes, to form a brand-new genre of limited edition collectible artwork.
The artwork’s small size makes it possible to collect multiple dental cityscapes over the upcoming years without taking up a lot of wall space in your practice.

Two different editions of "Tickle My Teeth" are available: the regular edition is $395 framed, and the deluxe edition is $495 framed.
Like all Fazzino artwork, each edition will be 3D. The deluxe edition features an extra layer of dimensionality, and it is hand-embellished with genuine Swavorski Crystals.

To order, call (800) 536-7796.